Dai Anga Mosque was built in Lahore during the Moghul era by Dai Anga the wet nurse of the Moghul Emperor Shah Jehan. Zaib un Nisa popularly known as Dai Anga and her family were faithful servants of the Moghuls who in return held them in high esteem.
The mosque was visited by the faithfuls during the Moghul period but later on when Punjab came under the Sikhs, the mosque along with other historic buildings was used for military purposes. Later during the colonial period it served as a residence and then as a railway office due to its proximity to the railway station. It was then handed back to the Muslims.
The mosque had a magnificent exterior and an equally grand interior though it is said to be “simple” as compared to the other mosques of the Moghul era. The structure is octagonal in shape with minarets at each corner. There is a dome in the centre with two smaller domes on each side.